BF 145: Post Harvest Handling for Mixed Vegetable Production

Trainer – Kerry Taylor, Farmer/Owner, Provider Farm

Kerry has farmed 16 acres of mixed vegetables with her husband at Provider Farm. They are in their 5th year of operation serving primarily a 280 member summer and winter CSA along with wholesale markets. All of their facilities are leased and they have developed several different post harvest facilities including a wash shed/packhouse, coolers and storage areas within the constraints of our leased infrastructure. These facilities allow them to serve their markets almost year round.


Training Objective

We will review basic methods and facilities for post harvest handling including produce washing and storage methods and facilities. We will focus on methods that can handle a diverse number of crops and do not require large capital improvements and are accessible to the small farmer.

View more Solid Ground Farmer Trainings

This project is sponsored by the USDA-NIFA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Award #2016-70017-25416